Lessons From Dad

lessons from dad start early

Lessons from Dad are not valued much these days. In the good old days, a father’s wisdom was valued by children. Now, not many of my friends even speak to their dads anymore. I don’t know why or what caused the division. It broke my heart, seeing so many of my friends grow up with […]

Blessed Are The Peacemakers?

Depressed woman cartoon

Addiction is a family disease. Everyone is affected and roles are assigned early. My role in the family is peacemaker. The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” I don’t like to question such a respected source, but from my experience, being a peacemaker feels anything but blessed. I have, however, found great peace through recovery, […]

Are You One Of The Ten Most Wanted Enablers

Most wanted poster

There has been a rash of crimes by a well known gang of enablers. They often swoop into a crisis and derail reality by helping their loved one to avoid the consequences of his or her actions. These enablers interfere in the natural process of life.