5 Ways to Add Apples to Your Next Meal

You probably have heard the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Is it true or a myth? According to Cornell University research it is true, but you do have to eat the skin as well. Apple, especially the peel of the apple contains antioxidants. From such research and others there is a […]
Motivational Quotes: Keep Going

Well, maybe someone is doing it for you and doesn’t like the job. Being independent is better than being codependent, but this is about growing in every single way.
Recovery Quotes: I Will Be Fierce

Be fierce this year and go for your goals. Sometimes, we need a little push – some inspiration. Check out this helpful workbook of 100 tips created by ROR co-founder Lindsey Glass to aid others looking to be their best every day.
Inspirational Quotes: Dreams Come True

How do you go about making your dreams come true? A lot of grit, hard work, and passion – and good sleep. You need your brain at its best, which means it needs a good night’s rest. Here’s how you can get to dreamland so you can wake up and make them into realities:
Recovery Quotes: Keep Re-adjusting

It’s important to re-adjust. If you don’t feel comfortable doing something or being around someone, re-adjust and re-start. But don’t forget to regulate. What does that mean?
Recovery Quotes: Don’t Just Exist – LIVE

Don’t let yourself just exist. You need to live. Experience. Listen. Act. Show. Smell the flowers, feel the sunlight. Sometimes it can be tough when experiencing grief. Here’s what you can do: