Coach’s Corner: On Coronavirus

coach's corner on coronavirus

With so many public events being cancelled and businesses shutting down, you probably have a lot more time on your hands. You can make it a positive experience. You can use the time to restore your body, mind and soul. Coach’s Corner on Coronavirus and Self-Isolation: Three Mental Health Tips As the coronavirus spreads through […]

Stuck At Home? It’s Time To Declutter!

Stuck at home? Why not declutter

With the Coronavirus in our midst, most of us have found ourselves with a little (a lot) more free time. That means it’s time to declutter. I know. Not the most exciting chore. But necessary to avoid progressing to hoarding. That pile of opened mail on the table needs to be sorted. The laundry has […]

Keep Calm When Disaster Strikes

stay calm when things go wrong

Now is the time to keep calm. We’re not in control of so many aspects of our lives at the best of times. We can’t control what the other people in our lives are going to do, things can go wrong at work, and then there’s the weather… There’s a lot to manage in normal, […]