Coach’s Corner: Creating a Routine

How many times have you promised yourself that you’d start a new routine, only to find yourself back to your old ways a few months later? You sincerely wanted to make the change; you put in the effort; but it didn’t stick.  You probably had big dreams for yourself, but those faded away as you […]

Coach’s Corner: Don’t Give Up/Staying Inspired

Have you ever started something and felt like you wanted to quit? Of course you have. We all have. What can you do when you don’t feel motivated?   I bet you think I’m going to say “do it anyway.” Nope.  Maybe you can force yourself to take action in that one circumstance, but that […]

Am I Enabling When I Help

Am I enabling

“Am I enabling?” is a question people often ask when dealing with loved ones struggling with addiction or recovery. What is enabling? We want to help and support and encourage but often we promote the very behaviors we want to end. People have many excuses for enabling, so it’s a really good question to ask […]