Brief Therapy: Yes, It’s A Real Thing

Have you ever heard of Brief Therapy? It could be the answer you’re looking for Recently, there’s been an uptick in people who want to go into therapy but don’t have years, or even months to put into it. It makes good sense because if there are immediate problems that are making you unhappy, you […]
I’m Ready For Therapy! What’s Next

Congratulations! You’re Ready For Therapy When you’re ready for therapy, it’s a great place to be. Whatever may be bothering you now can be explored and fixed. And, I wish we lived in a world where taking care of your mental health was as normal and expected as seeing a medical doctor to take care […]
Gifting A Gaslighter or Narcissist

If you’re planning on gifting a narcissist this spring, you know it’s not going to go well, right? You have this someone in your life who is toxic in a bunch of ways. Is it your dad, your spouse, a sister or brother, a colleague you have to please? Toxic can be just so […]
How Does Exercise Heal

How Does Exercise Heal When Your Heart Is Broken What helps when you are grieving? How does exercise heal your heart? Kelly McDyre who helps families cope with the death of a child, shares her experience of how exercise heals. Dealing with grief is a process that looks different for everyone. Grief can be unpredictable, […]