What Is A Food Disorder

food disorder

A food disorder or an eating disorder are when food, not nutrition is an issue. Here’s an example. When your roommate tells you something like this, “I’ll do anything not to gain weight,” what do you think she meant by it? Do you stop wonder what “anything” means to her? When you hear her purging […]

Do You Need Help With A Bully

When you need help with a bully, don’t keep silent. From bulldozer bosses to pushy family members to spouses, friends and love relationships, bullying continues long beyond the playground. Here’s how it works to make you feel helpless and what to do. 8 Signs You Have A Bully In Your Life Bullies create diversion to […]

7 Ways To Independently Love Another

love, red hearts and white lights

Maintaining individuality in a loving relationship requires quite a bit of self awareness and sensitivity all around. If you’re codependent or an adult child of an alcoholic (ACoA), you’re likely to be subsumed by the needs of your loved one. You start by never thinking of your own likes and dislikes. Next, boundaries go out […]

4 Steps For Resolving Conflicts

resolving conflicts

Resolving Conflicts Is A Skill You Have To Cultivate Who decides what’s right and what’s wrong when people disagree or have a problem to solve? How should we behave? Here are four steps for resolving conflicts. Resolving Conflicts 1. Define What Unites Conflicts are not black and white. They are glorious swirling shades of gray. […]