How To Heal The Damage Caused By An Alcoholic Family

alcoholic family

Growing up in an alcoholic family can cause trauma Growing up in an alcoholic family caused wounds that still stalk me, but they can be healed. I’ve identified the five most painful issues I’m currently facing. and I’m using the following tools to heal. 1 – Secrecy (Don’t Tell Anyone I’m From An Alcoholic Family) […]

How Codependency Is Contagious


Two weeks ago, my very codependent mother came over for a socially distant afternoon visit. She’s negative, bossy, and controlling. She constantly worries about everyone else’s business, and her behaviors are highly contagious. Now, I have to fight off every instinct to pick up this sickness again. Why She’s More Contagious Than Covid People who […]

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Life In A Circus

children of alcoholics

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Are Molded For Dysfunction. What does that mean? It means that the elephant in our world is crisis, and all reality is denied from the moment we’re born. Every day is life in the circus. Recovery slogans and sayings abound, comparing addiction to a three-ring circus. These analogies give many adult […]

Recovery Protects Everyone’s Family Rights

Grown ups fueding

According to my Mother, my brother Ricky needs extra love and care because of his addiction. My family rights are ignored. She always favors what’s right for Ricky. In recovery, I learn I have rights too.

What To Do About Lying

Lying to myself

I hate being lied to. I grew up in a den of liars, so as a parent, I refuse to tolerate lying, but that’s easier said than done. My teenage son Keith has lied to me twice in the last 12 hours. Lying Begets Lying Everyone in my family of origin lies. My Mom lies […]

Children of Alcoholics Search For Normal

People looking through binoculars

Like most adult children of alcoholics, I don’t know what normal is, so I’m often unaware that I’m in an abnormal, unhealthy situation. How can I solve a problem I don’t know I have?