Baby Steps For Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries

Setting boundaries is hard for you and annoying (or downright infuriating) for others. It’s often said: the only people who get upset about your boundaries are those who benefited from you not having any. That means they can walk all over you, and manipulate you from here to Sunday. Boundaries are invisible fences that keep […]

How To Stop The Gobble Before You Pack On The Pounds

strategic holiday eating

You need a holiday eating strategy. Just think for a minute. Thanksgiving and Christmas both signal food, glorious food to us all. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t be strategic about our holiday eating. We all know the consequences of all that indulgence. Packing on the pounds. Strategic holiday eating curbs appetite and shame Just […]

6 Ways To Overcome Sober Weight Gain

sober weight gain

Sober weight gain was a shock to me. When I got sober, the last thing I expected was gaining a load of weight and insatiable food cravings. If that was advertised as a side effect of sobriety, some of us may not sign up. But the reality is that sober weight gain and hunger for […]

Food Recovery To Feel Good And Lose Weight

Food recovery to feel better and lose weight

Food recovery turns out to be as important as sobriety. After two years of sobriety, I found myself 150 pounds overweight and miserable. I wasn’t eating to recover. I was eating the way I used to use substances. I’ve had food issues all my life. Now, without my trusted drugs of choice to ease my […]

Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It And How Do We Cope

adrenal fatigue

In order to learn how to fix adrenal fatigue, you need to know what it is and what adrenal fatigue symptoms are. A good starting point is defining the condition, because you may not know what it is. Adrenal fatigue also known as hypoadrenia identifies that your body’s adrenal glands are tired and unable to produce […]

How To Start Exercising When You Don’t Feel Like It

People walking

Thinking that this might be time to start exercising but DREADING it?? So many of us have been there. For example… At two years sober, I was miserable: 300 pounds, depressed, and I hated my body. I couldn’t bear to look in the mirror. I had zero energy and my life revolved around meetings, work, […]