Smart Devices For Optimum Parenting

smart devices and children

How Smart Devices Can Help Both Parents and Children Do you wonder what smart devices are and how they affect your parenting? So what are smart devices and how can you keep your children safe? With technology growing every day, the question about how things will be in the upcoming years for the future generation […]

Do You Know What Makes People Passive-Aggressive

passive aggressive

Are You Familiar With The Term Passive Aggressive Sometimes people act in ways that make us feel bad but it’s hard to put into words why. It could be passive-aggressive behavior. Passive-aggressive behavior can take many different forms, but some common examples include procrastination, deliberately doing things inefficiently, and making excuses. The term “passive-aggressive” is […]

Choosing A Couples Rehab Setting

couples rehab

Couples Rehab Is Addiction Recovery To Consider Have you ever heard of couples rehab? Neither had we, but it has such advantages, and here’s why. Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex and destructive circumstance that can ruin not only the lives of those directly affected but also their loved ones, especially in the case […]

Negative Effects Of Alcohol Are Delayed

negative effects of alcohol

The negative effects if alcohol are not far behind the funb. We’re posting this from the Washington Post to explain. Wash Post Richard Friedman MD tells us: “If you are among the 86 percent of American adults who have ever had a drink, chances are you’ve partaken just to relax or feel socially more at ease. Or […]

6 Tips For Overcoming Work Burnout 

work burnout

Work Burnout Happens To Us All If work burnout is the bane of your existence, now’s the time to get it in hand. Here are some questions to ask yourself. How stressed are you at work and home these days? Do you have a lot going on and feel tired all the time? Now that Covid […]

Does Medicare Plan G Cover Emergency Room Visits

Medicare Plan G

What Is Medicare Plan G Medicare Plan G is a type of Medicare Supplement sold by private insurance companies. Plan G’s purpose is to pay secondary to Original Medicare and pick up approved costs Medicare doesn’t cover. With more than 40 million emergency room visits yearly among senior citizens, you might wonder if Medicare Plan […]