12 Tips On Sleep In Early Recovery

Cat sleeping on couch

Can’t sleep? Odds are, you’re not alone. Sleeping problems are very common in the early days, weeks and even months of recovery due to the post-acute withdrawal process. Your body must reestablish regular sleep cycles in the absence of alcohol and drugs. Most of these problems usually resolve themselves without medical treatment, but here are […]

It’s Really Okay To Ask For Help

We can’t get through life alone – but so many of us are afraid to take the plunge and find help. Whether it’s because of our independence, pride, anxiety, confidence, or just lack of knowledge of where to get this help, keep in mind that everybody has needed some guidance at one point. Getting help […]

12 Step Programs Do They Really Work

If 12 step programs work, why is addiction still growing? That’s a great question many people keep asking. Addiction is growing by leaps and bounds, and there are a lot of reasons for this. America loves alcohol, tobacco, legal and illegal drugs, and marijuana. All of them are addictive and alter brain function telling people […]

Money Worries? Help Is On The Way

Money worries help is on the way

Do you have money worries no matter how much you earn, or how good your life seems? Do you keep wondering why you just can’t get out of debt? Do your money worries drive you to drink or to take substances to ease the pain? Does despair over debt cause you or someone you love […]

Is Recovery An Asset Or A Liability


A few weeks ago, I met a new friend at church. We chatted about how old our kids are and where they go to school, the usual new friend fodder. Then she asked me why we decided to go to our church. It’s a typical question, and I could have said: location, killer band, free […]