Rebuilding Character In Recovery

Dove putting branches on barbed wire

The devastating effects of addiction on physical/emotional health and social functioning have been meticulously catalogued, but far less attention has been given to its toll on character and the role character reconstruction plays in the recovery process. A recent rereading of David Brook’s The Road to Character has spurred this reflection on character and addiction […]

Not Prepared For Son’s Life After Overdose

Life after overdose is trauma beyond imagining for loved ones. My son Josh lay there in the trauma room comatose and hooked up to a ventilator and everything else that could be. As a physician, I was used to taking care of others in that situation; now the shoe was on the other foot. Straddling […]

Five Takeaways From the DEA’s Pain Pill Database

A logo sign at the headquarters of McKesson in downtown San Francisco, From the Washington Post For the first time ever, a database maintained by the Drug Enforcement Administration that tracks the path of every single pain pill sold in the United States — from manufacturers and distributors to pharmacies in every town and city — is […]

4 Tips For Lasting Change

lasting change

What Does Everyone Want In Recovery: Lasting Change Lasting change is what recovery is all about. Quitting alcohol, or your drug of choice, is only the first step in the needed transformation that will make your recovery work now and in the future.  In recovery, we talk about the “isms,”  the reasons why we drank […]

Surviving Secondhand Drama

Smoke filled room

I want the time spent with my extended family to be filled with love, good food, and memories. Instead, drama hangs in the air like secondhand smoke. An afternoon my Mom’s is often filled with repressed anger, tension, and jealousy. Does this happen to anyone else? Please tell me I’m not alone. Here’s how I […]

How Does Suboxone Work?

Girl taking Suboxone

Is Suboxone a helpful product to get off drugs like Heroin, or is it just another party favor? The truth is, it can be both. What Is Suboxone And How Does It Work? Suboxone actually can be two products. It is a detox medication used to treat opiate addiction and dependence. It is a combination […]