5 Benefits Of Good Dental Hygiene

Good Dental Hygiene Will Boost Your Health 5 Ways Are you neglecting your teeth? A recent trip to the dentist taught us better dental hygiene was needed. Did you know that having good dental hygiene goes beyond having pearly white teeth? It‘s an essential part of your overall hygiene routine as a child and an […]
My Sober Birthday: We Wrote A Book About It

My 16th Sober Birthday: Our Triumph Over Dysfunction My daughter Lindsey and I got sober, launched a website, produced documentaries, broke up for 4 horrible years and when we got back together, we wrote some books. What a spring and summer we have had in my 16th sober birthday year. Our book, The Mother Daughter […]
Major Depression And Bipolar Depression: The Facts

When You Have Major Depression Or Bipolar Depression Major depression and bipolar depression are so common that everyone knows someone who suffers from it. Maybe you have it and don’t know why you feel so very low. Even pre-pandemic, Major Depression was one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. An estimated 19.4 million […]
When You Can’t Afford Rehab

Tips For Getting Help When You Can’t Afford Rehab Getting treatment for addiction when you can’t afford rehab can be difficult and overwhelming. Rehabs are often far away and expensive. Don’t panic. There’s help in every zip code if you know where to look and what to ask for. Here’s a good place to start. […]
Grief And Addiction Can Trigger A Relapse

Grief and Addiction: How Loss Can Trigger Relapse Grief and addiction can be linked because grieving the loss of a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences in life. For those in recovery from addiction, the grieving process can be particularly precarious, as intense emotions and stress can trigger a relapse. Seeking guidance […]
3 Tips For Letting Go Of Grudges

The Whys For Letting Go Of Grudges Letting go of grudges is the feel better way of life. If you’ve ever held on to a grudge, you may not even have been consciously aware that it was affecting you mentally. Yes, it’s true. If we harbor hate, it hurts us – even more so than […]