Alcohol Damage: The Riskiest Age

alcohol damage

Alcohol Damage Is Well Known But What Age Is The Worst For Health Alcohol damage to your health is well known. But now there is more and more evidence coming out that drinking alcohol in any amount at any age can lead to a variety of illnesses, accidents, assault and more. In our family underage […]

Is Addiction Curable: Know What Recovery Really Means

Is addiction curable

If You Think Addiction Can’t Be Managed Or Wonder Is Addiction Curable, Listen Up Wondering is addiction curable is like asking if diabetes is curable. You may see many people not getting well and think recovery is not possible, but 23 million Americans are in some form of recovery. Do you know someone who is […]

When An Empath Falls For A Narcissist


How Dangerous Is It When An Empath Falls For A Narcissist What is an empath and why is it a very risky business when an empath falls for a narcissist. Does the empath have a chance for the survival of independence and happiness? Nope. Guess whose world turns upside down. Right, it’s not the narcissist. […]

4 Ways To Stop Codependency


Codependency Warning Signs Can Help You From Relapsing Before I knew what codependency was, I was codependent with everyone. I couldn’t say no when people asked me to do things, I felt bad if someone else felt bad, I was constantly in a cycle of being manipulated and feeling resentful. In recovery, I learned that […]

Why Mental Health And Behavioral Health Confuse You

Mental health behavioral health

Mental Health And Behavioral Health Shouldn’t Have To Confuse You Since Covid we’ve gotten even more confused about the difference between Mental Health and Behavioral Health. But the terms shouldn’t drive us crazy. Mental health, behavioral health, and mental illness are not taught the way physical health is. It means you probably know your family […]

Tips For Managing Difficult Personality Styles

personality styles

Personality Styles Are What Make People Easy Or Difficult To Get Along with How do your personality styles affect your relationships? How do you even know how you seem to others? Last week I took the Difficult Person Test to measure my personality style and determine how hard I am to get along with. It […]