Is It Possible To Change Your Mood Habits?

diet and mood

You may not realize but moods have habits Have you ever noticed that you have mood habits? When you wake up, you have certain feelings that may repeat themselves through the day? Sometimes you’re happy and serene. Or you may be agitated from the get-go. Then there are those triggers of past trauma that immediately […]

Who Doesn’t Need Sober Inspiration

sober inspiration

Staying sober isn’t easy so a little sober inspiration can make all the difference Recovery is a wonderful, wild ride but it doesn’t mean we don’t need a little sober inspiration now and then. So, what exactly is sober inspiration? It is a little magical inspiration to help you feel good about your recovery life. […]

Recognize Gaslighting With These Tips

Recognize gaslighting

When You Recognize Gaslighting You Can Begin to Deal With It It’s all around us, but can you recognize gaslighting when you see it in your friends and family? Gaslighting “is a manipulative form of communication where a power differential exists,” said Angela Corbo, an associate professor and chair of communication studies at Widener University in […]

Has Working From Home Broken Our Connections?

Working from home

Working from home has changed the way we related and connect with others. Are you working from home? When the pandemic hit, our lives were changed forever. Now thousands of people are either working from home or in hybrid work environments. First, we stopped going to work because our workplaces closed in response to stay-at-home […]

Tips To Live With A Perfectionist


How I Know That I’m Living With A Perfectionist I live with a perfectionist, which is surprising because I’m not a perfectionist. Or maybe it’s not because my home of origin was highly ordered. Despite the “kookiness,” of my parents, our home was spotless, meals were always served and on time, good grades were important, […]

Creating Boundaries Creates Peace

creating boundaries

You may or many not have heard about the importance of creating boundaries in relationships We talk a lot about creating boundaries in recovery because they can be so helpful for people who are new to navigating recovery. You see, creating boundaries is the key to healthy relationships. But what does that mean to you? […]