Financial Safety When A Loved One Uses

chest with treasure

 It’s crucial to have financial safety when your loved one has a problem with drugs, alcohol and behavior addictions like gambling and shopping. Protect your finances and possessions so that you don’t have serious problems down the road. Any kind of addiction brings on financial difficulties. Drug and alcohol users, shopaholics, gamblers and others with […]

Is Addiction An Opportunity?

Plant growing in desert

Years ago, I studied “The Hero’s Journey” because I wanted to write the hero’s story. Back in the day, we girls didn’t think of ourselves as taking that hero’s journey ourselves. We weren’t brave. We were just girls. But I thought if I ever had the opportunity, I could write about it. I could write […]

Does Addiction PTSD Ever Fade


This week the father of a recovering heroin addict told me he has addiction PTSD. I’ll call him Jesse and his daughter, Amy. After telling his and Amy’s story, Jesse mentioned his PTSD almost as an afterthought. PTSD is common for families coping with addiction, but new for Jesse. Like millions of other parents, Jesse […]

12 Warning Signs Your Spouse Is Using

Warning signs

Can You Identify The Warning Signs There are some clear warning signs if a spouse, lover, or family member is using.  Whether you’re living together, in a committed relationship, engaged or married…no matter what the genders of the couple… the feelings and problems are equally difficult. Accepting that your loved one has a substance use […]

What Parents Need To Say About Teens And Pot

talking to teens about pot

Afraid your teens are smoking pot? Here are four ways you can help your teens to say “No” and look at the facts together. Kids of all ages need to hear from their parents regularly to learn what’s good for them and what’s not so good; what are the healthy behaviors that they should work […]