How To Heal From a Break-up

heal from a break-up

Heal From A Break-up Faster With Helpful Tips Do you need some help to heal from a break-up? We’ve got some tips for you to help speed the process along. I know many people who will say healing from a break-up is one the toughest things they had to deal with, especially if the breakup […]

The 8 C’s Coloring Book

Recovery coloring book for kids The 8 C’s Coloring Book That Helps Kids Cope The 8 C’s Coloring Book coloring book is perfect for children worried about the future. Many benefits come with this innovative coloring and word-building project.  Adults can color along with their children. Children get a story with pages they can color, and they learn healing […]

How To Manage Those Pesky Resentments


Resentmentments Are The Number One Offender Have you ever heard that expression? You hear it all the time in recovery circles and that is because resentment is often the feeling that drives us back into old thinking or habits. Personally, I never thought about resentment before addiction came into my life. That doesn’t mean I […]

Do You Want To Quit Drinking?

quit drinking

Have you come to the wonderful place of wondering what life would be like without drinking? This is a great place to be and don’t be overwhelmed by the steps that are ahead of you. What’s important is to stay focused on the fact that alcohol is not making your life better. You may even […]

How To Parent Teens After Sexual Assault

Teen girl comforted by her mom

No One Teaches You How To Parent Through An Assault This is a highly sensitive topic, so know if you are uncomfortable with this and unsure of what is right and wrong, you are not alone. If your teen, whether a girl or a boy, has experienced sexual assault, you and your child are both […]

Free Download From Our Bestselling 100 Tips Book!

100 Tips Free download

Are you longing to reach your potential but don’t know where to start? Are you like me and got sober only to find that life is really hard? Relationships seem baffling, you still fight with family (and maybe even worse). Do you feel underpaid and undervalued at work and maybe in life in general? I […]