6 Tips For Overcoming Work Burnout
Work Burnout Happens To Us All If work burnout is the bane of your existence, now’s the time to get it in hand. Here are some questions to ask yourself. How stressed are you at work and home these days? Do you have a lot going on and feel tired all the time? Now that Covid […]
How To Make Your Business Recovery Friendly
10% Of Adult Americans Say They Are In Some Form Of Recovery According to DrugFree.org 10% of Americans are in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, and that is only what is reported. There are many more out there. So, this is why your business should become recovery friendly. Now, ask yourself if […]
Don’t Give Up Sobriety Takes Time To Love
The key to sobriety is not giving up on the days you want to Sobriety is a challenge for everyone at first. I did not want to get sober when I was 21. I went to rehab because I was killing myself and literally thought, “I just need a reset.” That first rehab was not […]
Mindfulness Exercising: The New Cure For Anxiety
Mindfulness Exercising Works: Now There’s Science Behind It We know that mindfulness and mindfulness exercising helps with recovery. We’ve learned over time that the more we work on anti-stress and anxiety methods we can use at any time, the more we’re in control of our lives and recovery. Now there’s science behind what many ancient […]
I’m Addicted To Technology
Engineers Designed It So You’d Be Addicted To Technology Most of us are addicted to technology. This is not an accusation or insult, this is a reality-based observation that technology applications were designed to create hits of endorphins and keep us coming back for more, and it works. For years, I have relied on my […]
6 Mindful Activities To Boost Winter Sobriety
What Are Mindful Activities And How They Can Help If you’re wondering how you can stay sober when winter weather seems to call for drinking, we have some mindful activities to keep you sober. Mindfulness. It’s setting an intention and following through with your thoughts and actions. Mindfulness can change the way you think about […]