Staying Sober at College Parties: Pros & Cons

staying sober at college parties

Staying Sober At College Parties May Save Your Life What are some of the benefits of staying sober at college parties? You may well ask. College is starting and thousands of freshman will be living away from home for the first time. For some, it may also be the first time they’ll drink and attend parties. The pressure […]

A New Law Will Help Students Take Mental Health Days

mental health day for teens

From Teen activists in Oregon were behind the state legislation that will help end the stigma around mental illness. As suicide rates hit a 50-year high, it has become increasingly clear that we need to take mental health seriously. According to  mental health issues will be the leading cause of death among young people by 2020. […]

Am I Raising A Future Abuser –

Boy pulling mom s hair

When I became a Mom, I vowed I would never abuse my son Keith the way my parents hurt me. Instead, I’ve been too soft and now my child is hurting me. How can I learn to take control without losing control?

Why Cell Phones Grow Skull Horns In Teens

Yikes, it’s not the aliens that are the threat to our children’s skulls. It’s spurs from cell phone use. From the Washington Post Mobile technology has transformed the way we live — how we read, work, communicate, shop and date. But we already know this. What we have not yet grasped is the way the […]

Marijuana Risk For Testicular Cancer And Impotence

young man with tube of marijuana

Since marijuana contains many of the same compounds as tobacco, it has the same adverse effects on the respiratory system when smoked as tobacco. These include chronic cough, respiratory infections, and bronchitis.18 In the longer term emphysema and lung cancer are also among its effects.21In fact, smoking marijuana is more harmful than tobacco for two reasons: […]

What Are Date Rape Drugs

barbies with date rape drugs

Any drug that alters a person’s consciousness in a way that makes self-defense or sound decision-making difficult can be a date rape drug. Most estimates suggest that at least 25 percent or 1 in 4 of American women have been sexually assaulted or raped. Someone the victim knows, sometimes with the assistance of a date rape […]