Marijuana Risk For Testicular Cancer And Impotence
Since marijuana contains many of the same compounds as tobacco, it has the same adverse effects on the respiratory system when smoked as tobacco. These include chronic cough, respiratory infections, and bronchitis.18 In the longer term emphysema and lung cancer are also among its effects.21In fact, smoking marijuana is more harmful than tobacco for two reasons: […]
What Are Date Rape Drugs
Any drug that alters a person’s consciousness in a way that makes self-defense or sound decision-making difficult can be a date rape drug. Most estimates suggest that at least 25 percent or 1 in 4 of American women have been sexually assaulted or raped. Someone the victim knows, sometimes with the assistance of a date rape […]
What Parents Need To Say About Teens And Pot
Afraid your teens are smoking pot? Here are four ways you can help your teens to say “No” and look at the facts together. Kids of all ages need to hear from their parents regularly to learn what’s good for them and what’s not so good; what are the healthy behaviors that they should work […]
Is My Son Addicted To Porn
It’s the question this God-fearing, church-going Mom doesn’t want to face, but I can’t deny the truth any longer. In August, my teenage son, Keith, found the seedy underbelly of the internet. At 40, I’m still too young to see the graphic images he saw. But there’s a deeper reason why I’m treating his obsession like an […]
Is Marijuana Medicine
A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association noted there is very little scientific evidence to support the use of medical marijuana. Authors Samuel Wilkinson and Deepak D’Souza explain that medical marijuana is considerably different from all other prescription medications in that “[e]vidence supporting its efficacy varies substantially and in general falls short of […]