Healthy Relationships Vs Toxic Relationships

Healthy Relationships

What Are The Signs Of Healthy Relationships Healthy Relationships are a tricky business! Even when they are good, they can have rough patches. Even when they are toxic, they can have good moments. All this being so, it’s important to know the big signs so you know if you’re partner is struggling or being purposefully […]

Constantly Hurt Feelings Is Relationship Manipulation

relationship manipulation

Relationship Manipulation: Signs You Should Look For We’ve had a difficult few years, so it isn’t unusual to feel bad or hurt by things going on around you. We are in stressful times but that isn’t a reason to treat people badly. What Is Relationship Manipulation How many forms of relationship manipulation are there? We […]

Holiday Boundaries For New Viruses

holiday boundaries keep gatherings peaceful

Holiday boundaries are still needed even in this season of epidemic. It’s still with us even though the world is opening up. Are you still getting together for the holidays? Is Zoom your new way of connecting the family this year? Everything has changed since last year, yet family differences still exist and may even […]

Unloved Daughters: Understanding Echoism

unloved daughters

Unloved Daughters Are Vulnerable To Takers And Users Unloved daughters is not a term we talk about every day, but there’s more to it than narcissism. “While the word “narcissism” has certainly gone mainstream—Google it and you’ll be offered up no fewer than 57 million entries—the term “echoism,” coined by my fellow blogger Dr. Craig […]

Can There Be Happy Dating After Grief?

Dating After Grief

Yes, dating after grief is possible and good for you (when you’re ready) If you have experienced grief, loss, or trauma you know exactly how hard and scary it can be to even consider dating again. When I started dating, I stuck a toe in the water of the online dating pool. It was at […]

Letting Go Of Helping An Ungrateful Son

letting go of helping

Letting go of helping someone you love, but who uses you, is the hardest thing to do. My friend, Jackie, asked me for some advice last week. Her 29 year old son, Brent, was angry because she didn’t pay his bills or seem to care about him at all. He told her he never felt […]