Tips To Live With A Perfectionist

How I Know That I’m Living With A Perfectionist I live with a perfectionist, which is surprising because I’m not a perfectionist. Or maybe it’s not because my home of origin was highly ordered. Despite the “kookiness,” of my parents, our home was spotless, meals were always served and on time, good grades were important, […]
Creating Boundaries Creates Peace

You may or many not have heard about the importance of creating boundaries in relationships We talk a lot about creating boundaries in recovery because they can be so helpful for people who are new to navigating recovery. You see, creating boundaries is the key to healthy relationships. But what does that mean to you? […]
Do You Know The Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

Do not feel bad if you don’t know the signs of a toxic relationship Most of us do not and end up learning them because we find ourselves in a toxic relationship. First and foremost, you are not alone with your toxic relationship. Second, there is hope of not repeating the cycle. Third, often when […]
Tips For A Healthier Relationship

Who Doesn’t Want A Healthier Relationship Relationships are hard and everyone struggles with their personal relationships at times. So, if you find yourself in a rocky place with your significant other, know that happens all the time to everyone. You are not alone. The issue is, ongoing strain at home will challenge anyone’s mental health, […]
Are You Fighting With Everyone

Do You Wonder: Why Am I Fighting With Everyone Are you fighting with everyone, and you don’t know why? Fighting with everyone about everything can be a habit, a form of manipulation or a sign of perpetual frustration that you’re not getting what you want. How’s it going for you? Some people get a kick […]
4 Relationship Red Flags To Avoid

Relationship Red flags You Should Know About What are common relationship red flags? Are you uncomfortable, or downright miserable? You may not have been paying attention to the red flags. I can’t tell you how many relationships I’ve been in where I saw red flags in someone’s behavior but looked the other way because, “I […]