Gratitude for Children Of Alcoholics
Gratitude For Children Of Alcoholics: Rethinking Your Life Gratitude for children of alcoholics doesn’t come easy. Feeling gratitude is difficult when there is abuse and neglect in your past. Here are 7 ways children of alcoholics can feel grateful this holiday season from Tian Dayton. How many times have I heard people share that they […]
Stress Busters When You Can’t Speak Up
Need some stress busters for not being heard, or not being able to tell the truth right now? I sure do. If you’re feeling Pandemic or political stress, you’re not alone. Families are divided on so many important ideas and points of view. It’s stressful when you can’t talk, express yourself, or explore issues. This […]
The Breakup Survival Plan
There are many kinds of recovery and addiction. If you have an addiction to a person and the relationship ends not by your choice, you need a breakup survival plan. We happen to have one. Your first goal is to get through it with your power still yours, your integrity still solid, and with love […]
Detachment Can Lead To Hope
Did you know that letting go can open the door to hope? Detachment redefines hope when you can accept what is and move on. My story stars with a hope that couldn’t be fulfilled. I hoped for a large loving family with happy gatherings and swarms of adoring children, nieces, and nephews. Basically, picture the […]
10 Tips For Relationship Expectations
Ever heard the phrase, “Expectations are resentments waiting to happen?” It’s true and people say it for a reason. We can’t control what other people do so we have to prepare ourselves for anything. Disappoint is terrible so mitigating how much disappointment you experience is critical. Here is some relationship advice from an expert.
How Codependency Is Contagious
Two weeks ago, my very codependent mother came over for a socially distant afternoon visit. She’s negative, bossy, and controlling. She constantly worries about everyone else’s business, and her behaviors are highly contagious. Now, I have to fight off every instinct to pick up this sickness again. Why She’s More Contagious Than Covid People who […]