Baby Steps For Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is hard for you and annoying (or downright infuriating) for others. It’s often said: the only people who get upset about your boundaries are those who benefited from you not having any. That means they can walk all over you, and manipulate you from here to Sunday. Boundaries are invisible fences that keep […]
Am I Enabling When I Help

“Am I enabling?” is a question people often ask when dealing with loved ones struggling with addiction or recovery. What is enabling? We want to help and support and encourage but often we promote the very behaviors we want to end. People have many excuses for enabling, so it’s a really good question to ask […]
7 Lessons I Learned From Toxic Friends

There’s no room for toxic friends. Toxic friendships don’t have to be tolerated, so walk away. Easier said than done, I know, but it’s possible. After being involved in a couple lengthy, sour camaraderies, I realized I got more out of them than bitter memories and unnecessary stress. Here are 7 lessons I learned from […]
Gratitude for Children Of Alcoholics

Gratitude For Children Of Alcoholics: Rethinking Your Life Gratitude for children of alcoholics doesn’t come easy. Feeling gratitude is difficult when there is abuse and neglect in your past. Here are 7 ways children of alcoholics can feel grateful this holiday season from Tian Dayton. How many times have I heard people share that they […]
Stress Busters When You Can’t Speak Up

Need some stress busters for not being heard, or not being able to tell the truth right now? I sure do. If you’re feeling Pandemic or political stress, you’re not alone. Families are divided on so many important ideas and points of view. It’s stressful when you can’t talk, express yourself, or explore issues. This […]
The Breakup Survival Plan

There are many kinds of recovery and addiction. If you have an addiction to a person and the relationship ends not by your choice, you need a breakup survival plan. We happen to have one. Your first goal is to get through it with your power still yours, your integrity still solid, and with love […]