How The Past Comes Back To Haunt Us

Does what happened in the past stay in the past? Absolutely not. One of the most significant triggers for childhood relationship trauma are adult relationships.
Do You Play The Addiction Blame Game

Playing The Addiction Blame Game Makes Things Worse There are two parties in the addiction blame game. Those suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and their friends, family, and loved ones. Family and friends can be verbally brutal during periods of active addiction. They want their loved one to stop so badly, […]
The Freedom To Say No

What happened to the freedom to say no? No one these days answers the question, “How do you live your life?” with the answer “I’m afraid to say no.” But so many of us live in this space of answering yes to every demand and request with alarming tenacity. No Freedom To Say No How […]
Are Blamers Always Toxic People

Blamers can be toxic people who look for faults in others to take control Not all blamers are toxic people, though. Some people are perfectionists who are uncomfortable with anything that doesn’t seem exactly right to them. Discomfort can come when cultural expectations for the way things should be are not met. Perfectionists may be […]
Am I The Toxic Friend?

We told you how to spot a toxic friend – but have you ever wondered if you’re the toxic friend?
How To Know If You Or Your Loved One Needs Help
