A Lesson In Detaching With Love

Detaching with an ax

Detaching with love does not come easily to me. In fact, as a people-pleasing codependent, I’ve spent a lifetime caring for others in an unfruitful way, and not detaching at all. Here’s my story of overreacting when things don’t go my way. My story of detaching with love begins with an orange tree I rushed […]

Beware The Rubber Band of Recovery Language

Woman snapping rubber band

Recovery language can feel manipulative. But don’t be surprised when people in recovery use their newly acquired recovery language to continue to control others. Behavior doesn’t improve overnight. The truth is where there is alcohol and substance use, destructive conditioning has actually changed everything about us. Our personalities are completely altered, and don’t return to […]

Understanding Anger and Addiction


How do anger and addiction go together? We get this question all the time. They are related, and when you add stress and anxiety you get a toxic cocktail that causes many to numb out with substances and other diversions. Read more to understand how these all fit together and what you can do about […]

10 Break-Up Take-Aways


I needed some break-up take-aways to understand what happened and how I should feel about it.  When a relationship is over, you don’t have to think of it as failed, but simply completed. Your break-up provides an uninvited opportunity to examine the past and future.

Children of Alcoholics Search For Normal

People looking through binoculars

Like most adult children of alcoholics, I don’t know what normal is, so I’m often unaware that I’m in an abnormal, unhealthy situation. How can I solve a problem I don’t know I have?

Life After Overdose A Mother Speaks Out

Life after overdose is not a simple step to recovery as some would like us to believe…just as sobriety after addiction is not a simple recovery, either. Addiction and overdose are more complicated, and deadly. Life after overdose began with a coma At first, we thought it a miracle that Joshua came out of the […]