10 Break-Up Take-Aways


I needed some break-up take-aways to understand what happened and how I should feel about it.  When a relationship is over, you don’t have to think of it as failed, but simply completed. Your break-up provides an uninvited opportunity to examine the past and future.

Children of Alcoholics Search For Normal

People looking through binoculars

Like most adult children of alcoholics, I don’t know what normal is, so I’m often unaware that I’m in an abnormal, unhealthy situation. How can I solve a problem I don’t know I have?

Life After Overdose A Mother Speaks Out

Life after overdose is not a simple step to recovery as some would like us to believe…just as sobriety after addiction is not a simple recovery, either. Addiction and overdose are more complicated, and deadly. Life after overdose began with a coma At first, we thought it a miracle that Joshua came out of the […]

What Is Detachment?

Detachment is safety from people who can hurt you Credit Adobe

When I first came into recovery, I didn’t know what is detachment, or  how enmeshed I was with family problems that were out of my control. I was bitter and burnt out. I heard the word detachment and ran. What is detachment anyway I had some learning to do. Early in my recovery, my friend […]

Lessons From Dad

lessons from dad start early

Lessons from Dad are not valued much these days. In the good old days, a father’s wisdom was valued by children. Now, not many of my friends even speak to their dads anymore. I don’t know why or what caused the division. It broke my heart, seeing so many of my friends grow up with […]

Blessed Are The Peacemakers?

Depressed woman cartoon

Addiction is a family disease. Everyone is affected and roles are assigned early. My role in the family is peacemaker. The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” I don’t like to question such a respected source, but from my experience, being a peacemaker feels anything but blessed. I have, however, found great peace through recovery, […]