Four Reasons Why People Stay In An Abusive Relationship –

According to the CDC, one in three women and one in four men have been victims of physical abuse. For one in five women and one in seven men the abuse is severe, yet many take a long time to or simply refuse to leave an abusive partner. Here are four reasons why it’s so […]
What Is Passive Aggressive –

One of my favorite stories about passive aggressive behavior in a marriage goes like this…“Cash, check or charge?” I asked, after folding the items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet, I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. “So, do you always carry your TV remote?” […]
Fear Stalks Adult Children of Alcoholics

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Have Deep-Seated Fear In Common Why is fear such a common bond among adult children of alcoholics? More importantly, how do we overcome the terror of so many things that stalk us throughout life? Adult Children Of Alcoholics: Here Are Safe Fears Heights, spiders, tight spaces – they all make me […]
4 Steps For Resolving Conflicts

Resolving Conflicts Is A Skill You Have To Cultivate Who decides what’s right and what’s wrong when people disagree or have a problem to solve? How should we behave? Here are four steps for resolving conflicts. Resolving Conflicts 1. Define What Unites Conflicts are not black and white. They are glorious swirling shades of gray. […]
Child Of Alcoholic Seeks Loving Father Figure

My father wasn’t the trustworthy Dad I longed for and it affected me for years. Although he did love me, it was almost always from afar, where he was safe enough to not get attached to me. When he did get close, I was often the one who got hurt. When I was a kid, […]
Valentine’s Validation

A Valentine validation was what I wanted this year. Of course flowers and candy and nice, but sometimes knowing that you’re useful is the very best gift of all. This week I got two gifts that truly warmed the cockles of my heart. I have no idea what warmed cockles are, but I’m sure we […]