About the book

Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover Book SeminarThis is a seminar created to take people who are interested in going through our special four-step process at a deeper level.

Our four-step process detailed above was created for anyone to have a transformative experience. Our goal is to help everyone find awareness, understanding, forgiveness, and healing. But, make no mistake, that is easier said than done.

In this group, we use our Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover Companion Guide to explore each issue at a deeper level with activities, writing sessions, and discussion questions that will aid in awareness and help create real change.

MDRM & Companion Guide Training for Professionals

Our facilitator series is where we will train mental health professionals or coaches on how to use our books in their practice. We will take the facilitators through our four-step process and the companion guide. For the price of this class, the facilitator will get a downloadable version of The Companion Guide to be used in their own practice and five free books for clients.
mother daughter relationship makeover book cover

Download an excerpt from Chapter One for an exciting preview of
The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover.
