100 Tips for Growing Up (e-book)

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100 Tips For Growing Up Downloadable e-book is a great way to enjoy the book instantly. Just grab a pen and start your journal at home. What's inside?
  • 20 years of recovery experience and therapy broken down into 100 simple tips
  • Each easily digestible tip includes insight from the author and space for journaling
  • From basic life skills to managing work and relationships
  • From learning self esteem to dreaming big and getting there
  • From setting priorities to fulfilling goals
  • The easy way to master self control and self-management
  • Something for everyone of every age
This inspiring guide to growing up at any age is the simplest roadmap self improvement. 5 star rating on Amazon. By Lindsey Glass, co-founder of Reach Out Recovery and award-winning documentarian for Secret World Of Recovery and The Silent Majority. Lindsey has lived and worked in recovery for 20 years, studying the wisdom of experts every step of the way. Now she shares her experiences and their wisdom with you. From basic life skills, to managing work, restoring relationships, finding satisfying work, dreaming big and getting there, Lindsey covers it all.
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100 Tips for Growing Up (e-book)