Benefits of Recovery Practices

recovery practices

What Are Recovery Practices And Why Do They Work Recovery practices and techniques are designed to help you grow out of unhealthy thoughts and activities that were habits in your addiction. You don’t have to be an addict to benefit from the practices you learn in recovery. Everyone can benefit from these tools, including teens […]

What To Do When You Hate Being Sober

you hate being sober

Do You Hate Being Sober, So Did I Not surprising you hate being sober at one time or another, especially in early sobriety, so you are not alone. I hate being sober sometimes but the consequences of the alternative are not an option for me anymore. The truth is, these days I only resent my […]

How To Find The Right Treatment For Dual Diagnosis

treatment for dual diagnosis

Tips For Finding The Right Treatment For Dual Diagnosis Not all treatment programs accept dual diagnosis clients. Here’s why. Dual diagnosis, also known as co-occurring disorders, is a diagnosis of both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder. It is a complex condition requiring specialized treatment and adequate recovery. Finding the right treatment […]

Recovery Fitness Is A Lifestyle Not Just Exercise

Recovery fitness is more than exercise

What the hell is recovery fitness? I think recovery fitness is a healthy attitude about your physical goals as part of your life in recovery. Recovery fitness certainly isn’t just running, lifting, or exercise, although exercise is an excellent way to get those feel-good hormones going again. Exercise is what many people in recovery turn […]

Addiction Recovery: How Long Does It Really Take?

How long does addiction recovery take

Addiction Recovery Is Not A Stright Path But There Can Be A Timeline Addiction, now called Substance, Alcohol or Behavior Use Disorder is confusing. Here’s some of what we know. 30 years of research shows there are many paths to recovery, as cited in the Surgeon General’s 2016 Report on Addiction. But there are some […]

Are You Self-Obsessed


And Is Being Self-Obsessed Harming Your Mental Health? Over the years, I’ve met many self-obsessed alcoholics, myself included. Some people are painfully aware that they are self-obsessed, and some have no idea. Personally, I know I’m self-obsessed, or in recovery from self-obsession. But, that’s in part because I’ve had sponsors and therapists who were happy […]