Best Addiction Dictionary Of Substances and Recovery Terms

Confused about what to call addiction and recovery? We all need an addiction dictionary because the terms associated with addiction and recovery have been evolving in recent years. Some changes in terms have been made to reduce stigma, others have changed based on new diagnosis and research. Recovery Answers from the Recovery Research Institute at Harvard […]
Is Addiction Curable: Know What Recovery Really Means

If You Think Addiction Can’t Be Managed Or Wonder Is Addiction Curable, Listen Up Wondering is addiction curable is like asking if diabetes is curable. You may see many people not getting well and think recovery is not possible, but 23 million Americans are in some form of recovery. Do you know someone who is […]
4 Ways To Stop Codependency

Codependency Warning Signs Can Help You From Relapsing Before I knew what codependency was, I was codependent with everyone. I couldn’t say no when people asked me to do things, I felt bad if someone else felt bad, I was constantly in a cycle of being manipulated and feeling resentful. In recovery, I learned that […]
Johnny Depp, Amber Heard: Plight of the Famously Insane

Is there anyone who hasn’t seen the news about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? If so, here it is. The two were married briefly and are now embroiled in a very nasty lawsuit basically over who’s a bigger jerk. Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for $50 million dollars over an op-ed she wrote in […]
Heroin Facts

Heroin Facts You Should Know Heroin facts lists here will give you a basic understanding of the drug. Heroin, also known as diacetylmorphine, is a highly addictive Schedule I drug. It’s a heavily abused, extremely addictive, potent opiate. Some of its street names may include: Dope, smack, H, Junk, Snow, Brown, etc. Processed from morphine, […]
1Quiz: Are You Too Attached To Your Phone?

Do you care more for your cellphone than your significant other?