How To Manage Those Pesky Resentments

Resentmentments Are The Number One Offender Have you ever heard that expression? You hear it all the time in recovery circles and that is because resentment is often the feeling that drives us back into old thinking or habits. Personally, I never thought about resentment before addiction came into my life. That doesn’t mean I […]
Why You Have To Let Go Of Resentments

“Expectations are resentments waiting to happen” Have you ever heard that expression – because I’ve heard it over and over for twenty years in recovery. Resentments sound bad and they are bad. They’re destructive to your daily well-being and happiness and can increase anxiety, especially if you have anxiety. But, let’s back up. What is […]
Treating A Case Of Toxic Anger

Toxic Anger Can Ruin Your Day Or You Can Let Go Have you ever had poison ivy? It’s a miserable rash that seethes, oozes, and blisters. It spreads quickly and can even scar. A recent brush with toxic anger affected me in a similar way. Here’s what happens when you have a run-in with with […]
Understanding Anger and Addiction

How do anger and addiction go together? We get this question all the time. They are related, and when you add stress and anxiety you get a toxic cocktail that causes many to numb out with substances and other diversions. Read more to understand how these all fit together and what you can do about […]