Silent Wounds: Stop Struggling With Childhood Trauma

silent wounds

Unveiling the Silent Wounds: Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Mental Health Whether it is considered on a conscious level or not, childhood lays the foundation upon which our lives unfold. It’s a time of innocence, discovery, and growth. However, for many, childhood is also marked by adversity, pain, and trauma. Childhood trauma, whether […]

Tips For Recovering From Childhood Trauma

recovering from childhood trauma

Recovering From Childhood Trauma: Healing Your Wounds Recovering from childhood trauma is all about addressing the past and letting the pain go. Childhood is meant to be a time of innocence and joy, where the world is a playground filled with endless possibilities. However, for many individuals, childhood can also be a time of profound […]

Heal Your Childhood Trauma

childhood trauma

Childhood Trauma Could Be Affecting Your Every Move Did you know that your childhood trauma could be dictating your behavior decades later. If you haven’t addressed them in therapy or counseling, however, it’s possible events from the past are plaguing you now. Even if you have had therapy around your issues, situations that seem familiar, […]

Adverse Childhood Experiences Have Lasting Impact

Adverse childhood experience

Adverse childhood experiences is another term for childhood trauma. These may be a weight you carry without even knowing it. When you think of your early years, what comes to mind? gDo you have happy memories of a happy and functional family? Or, are you plagued by darker memories of family addiction or a narcissist […]

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Life In A Circus

children of alcoholics

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Are Molded For Dysfunction. What does that mean? It means that the elephant in our world is crisis, and all reality is denied from the moment we’re born. Every day is life in the circus. Recovery slogans and sayings abound, comparing addiction to a three-ring circus. These analogies give many adult […]

How To Soften Shame


All of us carry the burden of shame, and some of us don’t know where it came from or how to let go of it. “But I was never locked in a closet or beaten with a coat hanger.” I have heard this statement from multiple clients who deny the relevance of emotional abuse. They […]