These Are 16 Symptoms Of Codependency

symptoms of codependency

What Are The 16 Symptoms Of Codependency How many symptoms of codependency do you have to have to qualify? Do you expend all of your energy in meeting your partner’s needs? Do you feel trapped in your relationship? Are you the one that is constantly making sacrifices in your relationship? Then you may be in […]

3 Tips To Calm Mom’s Codependent Relationship Woes

codependent relationship

Is Your Codependent Relationship Killing You? Are you a mom in a codependent relationship with one or more of your children? Am I being dramatic when I say it could be killing you? Well, maybe just a little. I do speak in hyperbole. Maybe you have grown children who are always telling you in graphic […]

Why You Have To Let Go Of Resentments


“Expectations are resentments waiting to happen” Have you ever heard that expression – because I’ve heard it over and over for twenty years in recovery. Resentments sound bad and they are bad. They’re destructive to your daily well-being and happiness and can increase anxiety, especially if you have anxiety. But, let’s back up. What is […]

4 Ways To Stop Codependency


Codependency Warning Signs Can Help You From Relapsing Before I knew what codependency was, I was codependent with everyone. I couldn’t say no when people asked me to do things, I felt bad if someone else felt bad, I was constantly in a cycle of being manipulated and feeling resentful. In recovery, I learned that […]

20 Codependency Warning Signs

codependency warning signs

Codependency Warning Signs Put You On Notice That You Need Help Who isn’t a little codependent when they enter recovery? If you’re worried you might be or see it in your family, don’t distress. This is something that can be managed. Learning the codependency warning signs first can help you begin separating yourself from someone […]

Creating Boundaries Creates Peace

creating boundaries

You may or many not have heard about the importance of creating boundaries in relationships We talk a lot about creating boundaries in recovery because they can be so helpful for people who are new to navigating recovery. You see, creating boundaries is the key to healthy relationships. But what does that mean to you? […]