Tips For Holidays When Your Family Hates You

holidays when your family hates you

Don’t Fear The Holidays When Your Family Hates You This is more common than you think and know that you are not alone. Take it from me, who has a multitude of experience on this subject, that you can be OK on the holidays no matter what your status is with your family. See, I […]

How To Manage Those Hurt Feelings

hurt feelings

Don’t Get Your Feelings Hurt All The Time Do your feelings get hurt easily? Join the club! It’s easy to get hurt feelings but they don’t serve you and can stop you up in your day. No one teaches you how to cope with what hurts you directly. Maybe you always heard “Don’t cry,” “Time heals […]

Safety Is A Quiet Place To Think

Everybody needs a quiet place to think

Where is safety in this confusing world with challenging issues all around us? What single thing do we all need to keep our balance and move forward with confidence? A quiet place to reflect and figure things out. Other people to share thoughts come second. When I was a child and I needed some space […]