This Is How To Breathe To Change Your Brain

breathe Change your brain

Learning to control your breath means you can learn to control your mind You can also control your emotions, your anxiety, and on and on. Your breath is the key. Change Your Brain the Yoga Way – Breathe For several years we’ve been experiencing uncertain times, difficult times, scary times. Depending upon where you live […]

Coronavirus Stress Affects Us More Than You Think

stress affects the body

Coronavirus stress affects the body in serious ways. Some stress effects shocked me. We all know about that upset stomach and tight chest- the fluttering heart that just won’t slow down until you calm down. And don’t get me started on those massive headaches. These are all common symptoms of stress and anxiety. Another sign […]

A Blessing of Coronavirus Isolation

Coach's Corner Coronavirus Isolation

How many creatures are in this photo and why it matters. I’m writing to you from California, where we are under strict “Shelter in Place” orders due to the Coronavirus. Every time I look at my calendar, I see events that have been cancelled. It is depressing, but I am not deleting any of them. […]

It’s Okay To Take A Break

It’s perfectly fine to take a break – you’re only human. The Coronavirus is taxing on us all, no matter what our situation may be. Whether we are located in a hot spot where we’re locked down in our homes or we’re hunkering down, waiting for more cases to sprout up in our city, the […]

5 Things You Don’t Need To Stock Up On

There are certain things you just don’t need to stock up on. You’ve seen the grocery store shelves. Half of the lanes are bare and the other half haven’t been touched. Aisles that wouldn’t usually be visited on your average trip are stripped – not even dust is left. We have resorted to a mass […]