Covid Is Back What Should You Do

Covid is back

You’re Not Imagining It: Covid-19 cases are on the rise again. Covid is back, or did it never leave? I thought the rising number of cases around me was a fluke at first. Neighbors in my little community in Sarasota were getting Covid this summer. Some of them got it for the first time, and some are […]

#MaskUp: Is The Mask Mandate Unconstitutional


Why is wearing a mask such an issue so many months later when so many people continue to die from this devastating Covid disease? My body my choice hasn’t been possible on other health questions. Why is it considered a must for this public health question? It isn’t a privacy question. I won’t go into […]

Working And Homeschooling

working and homeschooling in covid 19

  Here are some tips for working and homeschooling in Covid 19 to provide a positive experience for the family and maintain your sanity, serenity and recovery at the same time. You can use this time to get in touch with your creative, positive, and problem-solving skills. It’s an opportunity to improve your relationships, really. […]

Recovery Slogans For Covid 19

Recovery Slogans

What are your favorite recovery slogans? Mine is not actually a slogan. It’s the serenity prayer. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. This ultimate recovery slogan, which is the foundation and mother of all […]

Coach’s Corner: How To Start Running

How to start running

How to start running is a question we’ve been asked a lot. What if I’m a walker, not a runner How to start running can be an evolution from moving from the couch to the kitchen, to the back yard, to the block, to the marathon. Okay, so you don’t want to run a marathon […]