3 Phases Of Detox You Should Know

phases of detox

Understanding the Phases of Detox and Support Systems Getting help for addiction is the best gift you can give or get.  It all starts with the phases of detox, and what happens next. Detoxification, or detox, is the first and one of the most critical steps on the road to recovery from substance abuse. It […]

What Detox And Withdrawal Make You Feel

Detox and withdrawal

Detox And Withdrawal: The Psychological Aspects Detox and withdrawal is much more than a physical reaction to getting off drugs or alcohol. The physical aspect, however, may be the reason many people fear getting help for addiction. Detoxification, commonly referred to as detox, is often the first step in the addiction treatment process. While much […]

What Is Harm Reduction In Substance Use

harm reduction

What Is Harm Reduction: What You Should Know Harm reduction refers to public policies and practices to limit the health and safety risks associated with substance use. This kind of public health strategy operates with the understanding that drugs are easily accessible to many and traditional approaches to prevent drug use often fail to limit […]