5 Steps to Healing After Divorce
Broken Hearted After Divorce? Here Are Some Tips To Heal After divorce, you may feel broken and hopeless. It’s normal. No one goes through divorce without pain and heartbreak, especially if there has been cheating. Navigating the tumultuous journey to healing and finding love again creates a profound transformation. But how do you do it? […]
Will My Addiction Affect My Divorce Case
Addiction Will Have An Impact On Any Divorce Case If a divorce is in your future, you can benefit by knowing how addiction, either yours or your spouse’s can affect the outcome. We estimate that 120 million Americans alone are directly impacted by a Substance or Alcohol Use Disorder, as addiction is now called. Studies […]
Tips For Newly Single Moms
Tips on Self-care and Staying on Top of Things for Newly Single Moms Single moms have extra challenges. Separating and getting a divorce is always stressful. It’s often a lengthy process that exhausts and depresses both partners. Moms, especially take on extra burdens of care, and this may conflict with work demands as well as […]
Can Recovery Mend A Broken Heart
Here’s a generalization with legs. Addiction hurts everyone. Addiction has broken literally billions of hearts. It is an equal opportunity ravager of individuals and families everywhere that seems as if it just can’t be stopped. Addiction of all kinds, not just substance abuse, is a complicated disease that is just beginning to be deeply studied.