Unrequited Love When Family Members Dislike You
Unrequited Love By Family Members Can Break Your Heart To many people, it may seem crazy that unrequited love from your family is a thing. But, for others, it is a painful reality. Basically, while it isn’t the norm, it does happen that people find themselves alienated from their families and unable to go to […]
How to Deal With Difficult Parents
What can you do to cope with difficult parents You don’t have to be a terrible parent, or even a mean parent for your children to be angry at you on occasion, or during certain periods of your life. Part of growing up is pushing boundaries and seeing what you can get away with. If […]
Children of Alcoholics Search For Normal
Like most adult children of alcoholics, I don’t know what normal is, so I’m often unaware that I’m in an abnormal, unhealthy situation. How can I solve a problem I don’t know I have?
Fear Stalks Adult Children of Alcoholics
Adult Children Of Alcoholics Have Deep-Seated Fear In Common Why is fear such a common bond among adult children of alcoholics? More importantly, how do we overcome the terror of so many things that stalk us throughout life? Adult Children Of Alcoholics: Here Are Safe Fears Heights, spiders, tight spaces – they all make me […]