5 Tips To Create The Recovery Lifestyle

The recovery lifestyle

 What Is The Recovery Lifestyle The recovery lifestyle is what you do after you put down your drinks and drugs. ddiction recovery starts with putting down a drink or drug, or whatever the addictive substance or behavior is, but then A LOT more has to happen for most people to recover. It’s not like putting […]

5 Workout Tips For A Healthier Summer

workout tips

Top 5 Workout Tips For The Healthiest Summer Ever What are the workout tips that almost no one does? You go to the gym daily, and do everything right. That’s the ideal for anti-aging, weight loss, and great fitness. Who can do it all? It’s hard and you have to be dedicated. What do you […]

Recovery Fitness Is A Lifestyle Not Just Exercise

Recovery fitness is more than exercise

What the hell is recovery fitness? I think recovery fitness is a healthy attitude about your physical goals as part of your life in recovery. Recovery fitness certainly isn’t just running, lifting, or exercise, although exercise is an excellent way to get those feel-good hormones going again. Exercise is what many people in recovery turn […]

Why You Should Practice Mindful Exercises

Mindful exercises

Mindful Exercises Take The Autopilot Out Of Your Workout Mindful exercises add another element to your workout. Here’s how. Have you ever powered through a workout and realized you were on autopilot the whole time? While exercising in an efficient way is great, going through the motions without forming a mind-muscle connection actually hinders your […]

Can Exercise Be An Addiction?

exercise addiction

Even exercise can turn into an addiction Exercise can be a tricky business because you might think when it comes to exercise, there can never be too much. Unless you’re doing extreme sports, exercise addiction might not enter your mind. Exercise is essential for good health, after all. Daily exercise can keep you in shape, […]

How to Reduce Pot Cravings

pot cravings

Do you wonder how you can reduce pot cravings If you’re wondering how you can reduce pot cravings, let’s drill down and ask a few questions. Do you need marijuana in order to feel more in control, or to reduce your anxiety? Are you dependent on marijuana to sleep well at night? Hoping marijuana will […]