Why You Have To Let Go Of Resentments

“Expectations are resentments waiting to happen” Have you ever heard that expression – because I’ve heard it over and over for twenty years in recovery. Resentments sound bad and they are bad. They’re destructive to your daily well-being and happiness and can increase anxiety, especially if you have anxiety. But, let’s back up. What is […]
5 Tips To Manage Disappointment

Can You Manage Your Disappointment We all get disappointed in life. It’s impossible to avoid. So, the challenge becomes how to manage disappointment in a healthy way? Yes, it is possible and we’re going to show you how to do it. It’s not as hard as you think and with a little practice, you’ll be […]
10 Tips For Relationship Expectations

Ever heard the phrase, “Expectations are resentments waiting to happen?” It’s true and people say it for a reason. We can’t control what other people do so we have to prepare ourselves for anything. Disappoint is terrible so mitigating how much disappointment you experience is critical. Here is some relationship advice from an expert.
Why You Should Leave Holiday Expectations At Home

Holiday expectations can break your heart, and I had to learn to let them go. As the youngest of four children I was automatically labeled “The Baby” and thus began my journey of being left out. My older siblings treat me as the Baby even now when I am old enough to have grandchildren of […]
The-Codependent’s Remedy For Resentment

Before I found recovery, I thought my grown-up life to be like TV shows. When no one followed my script for their lives, my expectations led to resentment. Ideally, my family of three would join my extended family for meals, holidays, and parties. We’d laugh together and cry with each other. Our deep love for […]