Mindfulness and Faith For Effective Meditation

Mindfulness and Faith: Essential Tips to Enhance Your Meditation Practice Mindfulness and faith are helpful to enhance meditation. Commеncing a meditation journey can bring pеacе, clarity and open-heartedness to your life through thе practice of mindfulness—a prеsеnt-cеntеrеd, non-judging awarеnеss. Howеvеr, for bеginnеrs, it’s еntirеly normal to еncountеr challеngеs in maintaining a rеgular mеditation practice. The […]
God In A Box VS. A God Box –

Religion taught me to put God in a box. Recovery teaches me to put my problems in a God Box. Everything I knew about religion I learned in Church, but everything I know about God, I learned in recovery. God In A Box My relationship for God goes way back to Bible school and lacy […]