Family Addiction Dysfunction: Cleaning Up The Mess

Addiction dysfunction

Addiction dysfunction and chaos are the legacy adult children of alcoholics. We’re going to give the laundry list of traits you may have inherited. Nothing is normal in a family where there is substance or alcohol use because those those substances change behavior and brain function. You already know that, right? You can’t have order […]

Why Family Members Also Need Recovery

Family arguing

A client once told me, “Alcoholism is a fire that has raged through my family for generations. We’ve all been burned. We all carry its scars.”

Quitting Alcohol Set Me Free

Pitcher of lemonade

Quitting alcohol seemed unnecessary when I decided to do it. After all, I am not an alcoholic, I would have said. I have always had a stop button. Alcohol was not my problem. I stopped swallowing at one-and-a-half martinis. (Actually, that’s quite a lot.) I never fell down, got arrested, cracked up the car, lost […]

Why I Won’t Be Home For Christmas

Sad Christmas fingers

This year, the holidays are hitting me hard. Thanks to Pandora, I’ve heard “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” and “(There’s No Place Like) Home For The Holidays” about 20 times every hour for the last three weeks. And yes, of course, I know I’m wallowing in my grief, so here’s how I’m going to deal […]

Better Than Wedding Vows: The Recovery Contract

Cartoon couple mending heart

In traditional wedding vows, partners promise to love and obey till death do they part, but who’s in a traditional relationship anymore? The CDC reports 1 in 10 people over 12 years old have used an illicit drug in the last month. Addiction changes the face of traditional relationships and families. How can today’s addiction-impacted […]