This Is How You Can Heal From Toxic Relationships

toxic relationship

Time To Heal From Toxic Relationships Don’t feel bad if you’ve had toxic relationships. It happens to many. However, if you are still suffering from that toxic relationship, then it may be worth you while to do a little healing. Healing From Toxic Relationships Is Critical So New Relationships Don’t Suffer! Ever find yourself responding […]

When Family Estrangement Hurts

family estrangement

Family Estrangement: Keeping Secrets That Hurt Family estrangement comes in many forms, and it always feels terrible. Often we don’t even know where it started or have different memories about what happened. For example, I have never met thousands of relatives on my father’s side because of estrangement that began before I was even born. […]

3 Reasons You Have Fear Of Abandonment

fear of abandonment

Fear Of Abandonment Can Hurt Relationships Fear of abandonment can get in the way of any relationship long after danger is gone. Here’s why. There are many reasons people have relationship difficulties as adults. Anxiety about being safe in relationships can have roots in displacement, trauma of war, food insecurity or homelessness. Fear of abandonment […]

Holiday Boundaries For New Viruses

holiday boundaries keep gatherings peaceful

Holiday boundaries are still needed even in this season of epidemic. It’s still with us even though the world is opening up. Are you still getting together for the holidays? Is Zoom your new way of connecting the family this year? Everything has changed since last year, yet family differences still exist and may even […]

Family Addiction Dysfunction: Cleaning Up The Mess

Addiction dysfunction

Addiction dysfunction and chaos are the legacy adult children of alcoholics. We’re going to give the laundry list of traits you may have inherited. Nothing is normal in a family where there is substance or alcohol use because those those substances change behavior and brain function. You already know that, right? You can’t have order […]

Changing The Toxic Family Dynamic

Toxic family dynamic

Are you in a toxic family dynamic without even knowing it? Where I grew up it was common for girls to be raised to care for “The Other Person First.” Any other person. It didn’t matter whether the person you were supposed to care for was mean to you or hurt you. You had to […]