9 Tips for Healthy Family Relationships This Summer

healthy family relationships

Here’s How To Have Healthy Family Relationships This Summer Healthy family relationships have to be cultivated. They don’t appear magically. Some families seem to have the harmony secret, while others flounder in dysfunction and unhappiness. Your family is a significant part of your life because it builds the foundation of your values, culture, beliefs, and […]

How To Heal From Childhood Emotional Neglect

childhood emotional neglect

Childhood Emotional Neglect Leaves A Lasting Legacy If you think you may be struggling with damage from childhood emotional neglect, this article does a great job of breaking down what happened and what to do now. This content was originally published here. Physical abuse leaves physical scars, and emotional abuse leaves psychic ones, but what […]

How To Manage Holiday Family Resentments

family resentments

Do you suffer from family resentments? We all do. Seriously, there is no one who doesn’t have feelings around their family. Siblings have feelings about each other, maybe they’re competitive, maybe there is jealousy. Issues with parents or cousins or anyone can cause bad feelings and rifts for years. And the holidays don’t help with […]

7 Ways To Get Over Unloving Relationships

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It’s crucial to keep ourselves safe when it comes to matters of the heart, especially when you’re in recovery. Loving relationships have the capacity to bring unimaginable joy to our lives. For me, it can add an element to my life that colors everything else happy. Love is magical, it’s better than any drug. The idea […]

Do You Play The Addiction Blame Game

addiction Blame Game

Playing The Addiction Blame Game Makes Things Worse There are two parties in the addiction blame game. Those suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and their friends, family, and loved ones. Family and friends can be verbally brutal during periods of active addiction. They want their loved one to stop so badly, […]

Why You Should Leave Holiday Expectations At Home

Dog With Expecations

Holiday expectations can break your heart, and I had to learn to let them go. As the youngest of four children I was automatically labeled “The Baby” and thus began my journey of being left out.  My older siblings treat me as the Baby even now when I am old enough to have grandchildren of […]