How To Stop The Gobble Before You Pack On The Pounds

You need a holiday eating strategy. Just think for a minute. Thanksgiving and Christmas both signal food, glorious food to us all. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t be strategic about our holiday eating. We all know the consequences of all that indulgence. Packing on the pounds. Strategic holiday eating curbs appetite and shame Just […]
6 Ways To Overcome Sober Weight Gain

Sober weight gain was a shock to me. When I got sober, the last thing I expected was gaining a load of weight and insatiable food cravings. If that was advertised as a side effect of sobriety, some of us may not sign up. But the reality is that sober weight gain and hunger for […]
Food Recovery To Feel Good And Lose Weight

Food recovery turns out to be as important as sobriety. After two years of sobriety, I found myself 150 pounds overweight and miserable. I wasn’t eating to recover. I was eating the way I used to use substances. I’ve had food issues all my life. Now, without my trusted drugs of choice to ease my […]
Alcohol Abuse Is The King Of Addictions

Alcohol Abuse Is Still A Growing Problem On top of the opioid crisis, meth destruction, and other drug horrors, we still have an alcohol problem in this country. In these complicated times, it’s easy to look at alcohol as the lesser of the evils, but let’s not forget that alcohol abuse is at the center […]