Part 2: How Narcissism Develops In Childhood

how narcissism develops

This is part 2 of How Narcissism Develops In Childhood Click here if you missed part 1 of How Narcissism Develops In childhood… You hear a lot about narcissism these days so it’s important to know how it happens It’s almost impossible to pinpoint how narcissism develops – the age-old debate of “nature versus nurture” […]

How Narcissism Can Develop In Childhood – Part 1

Narcissism Develops In Childhood

Did you know that in most cases Narcissism starts in childhood? It is true and we want to explain how this happens in early development so you can understand this complicated personality. Why does it matter? Because understanding narcissists is important because it helps us protect ourselves and others from their damaging behaviors. So, how […]

6 Narcissist Family Roles

narcissist family roles

Let’s Learn About Narcissistic Family Roles Narcissist family roles may stick with you your whole life if you don’t understand what happened. You may wonder if you’re in a narcissistic family. Do you have family secrets you can’t ever tell? Maybe you’re a people pleaser or codependent and always end up attached to people who […]

Lasting Damage Of A Narcissistic Family

Consequences of A Narcissistic Family

The damage of a narcissistic family is painful, lasting, and difficult to overcome. Here’s why. In a narcissistic family image is the most important thing. It’s all about making the parents and grandparents look good and feel good. To be beautiful, successful, and seen as wonderful people are all that matters. If you are in […]