3 Day Detox From The Holidays

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3 Day Detox.  What is it and why now? Why indeed. This is the highest calorie consumption time of the year. It doesn’t just start with Thanksgiving. It starts with Halloween and everything falls apart after that. Pre Christmas parties, during Christmas parties, reunions, office parties. There’s absolutely no way to avoid consuming too many […]

Get Moving To Balance Your Blood Sugar


The final step to balance your blood sugar is to get moving. Movement is activity or motion, including unorthodox exercises like: Washing the car Painting Walking the dog Gardening Scrubbing the shower Going up and down the stairs doing laundry Emptying the dishwasher Staining the deck

It’s Not Too Late To Keep Your Resolutions


We’re rapidly approaching the second month of 2019, so it’s the perfect time to ask: How is your resolve doing? Are the habit changes you have taken on starting to take hold? Or…not so much? According to Inc.com, the most popular resolutions for 2019 are: Diet or eat healthier Exercise more Lose weight Save more […]