Silent Wounds: Stop Struggling With Childhood Trauma

silent wounds

Unveiling the Silent Wounds: Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Mental Health Whether it is considered on a conscious level or not, childhood lays the foundation upon which our lives unfold. It’s a time of innocence, discovery, and growth. However, for many, childhood is also marked by adversity, pain, and trauma. Childhood trauma, whether […]

Tips For Recovering From Childhood Trauma

recovering from childhood trauma

Recovering From Childhood Trauma: Healing Your Wounds Recovering from childhood trauma is all about addressing the past and letting the pain go. Childhood is meant to be a time of innocence and joy, where the world is a playground filled with endless possibilities. However, for many individuals, childhood can also be a time of profound […]

Why Child Trauma Is So Tough To Process

child trauma

Adults Need To Know Their Child Trauma Child trauma has lasting impact because we don’t forget and get over the painful effects of abuse, neglect, or heartbreaking incidents. Lasting impact from war, discrimination, addiction, family dysfunction are just some of the ways that our brains are affected. From Dr. Tian Dayton, Forgiving Parents: Breaking the […]