Self Love Quotes: Loving You

Who loves you? It better be you. We all need friends and family to support us, love us, care for us and nurture us. But nobody else is looking in our mirror and talking to us the way we do. What are you saying to yourself every day? Are you showing love? Who loves to […]
Motivational Quotes: Prepare Meals In Advance

Hoping for a calmer week? Is there too much to do in the afternoons/evenings? Prepare food for the week to reduce that stress! Don’t forget – skipping meals (no matter the reason) is never good.
Gratitude Quotes: Rest And Be Thankful

Getting enough rest is important for your mood and health. Make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep at night to help you find gratitude during the day.
Kindness Quotes: Show Your Appreciation

Do people show their appreciation of you by being kind or thoughtful? When others care for you, never take it for granted. Appreciation has to go both ways for caring to last. Tip of the day from 100 Tips For Growing Up: Be A Hero To Someone. That can be as simple as showing you […]
What Is Genuine Love

Genuine love doesn’t have to be all flowers, gifts, and passion. It doesn’t have to be perfect in every way. What do you really need? Kindness, compassion, acceptance. Gentleness when things go awry. There is no place for abuse and toxic behavior where there are healthy relationships. When you’re new to recovery genuine love is […]
Kindness Quotes: Love That Lasts

Gift someone your time Why is a gift of time a great way to show your love? When you spend time with someone, you’re giving something so precious it will always be remembered. A few hours of caring, listening, or helping can mean the difference between a feeling of hopelessness and lasting warmth. Even a […]