3 Tips To Calm Mom’s Codependent Relationship Woes

codependent relationship

Is Your Codependent Relationship Killing You? Are you a mom in a codependent relationship with one or more of your children? Am I being dramatic when I say it could be killing you? Well, maybe just a little. I do speak in hyperbole. Maybe you have grown children who are always telling you in graphic […]

My 15th Sober Birthday

Sober Birthday Leslie Glass with Lindsey Glass

Sober Birthdays Are Milestones That Prove Recovery Works Updated 8/06/23 My sober birthday was only supposed to last 90 days. I didn’t expect sobriety to become my new normal. I took that first chip to see what it felt like for alcoholics to give up the thing they loved the most. Lindsey, my daughter in […]