Can You Be Addicted To Weed, Marijuana, CBD

addicted to weed

You May Be Addicted To Weed And Not Know It If you are addicted to weed, (or anything else) you may may think your use is perfectly normal and have no idea it might be harmful. I am addicted to coffee, for example. I get a headache without it. Others in our group are addicted […]

Do You Know Marijuana’s Effects?

Marijuana's effects

It seems like marijuana is everywhere but do people know marijuana’s lasting effects? Marijuana’s effects can be lasting and negative to your health in many ways. Marijuana is legal in many states and sales are through the roof. Marijuana probably feels a lot safer to use as we hear more and more about the dangers […]

Teens At Risk For Marijuana Addiction

marijuana addiction

Marijuana addiction is real. We know because we have experienced it. You may not believe that marijuana is addictive, but it is especially for our youth and therefore, very important for you to know more about. Statistics from research reveal that about 9% of all users become dependent on marijuana. This number increases among youth […]

Marijuana’s Effect On the Teen Brain

water color teen brain art

From The American College Of Pediatrics: Teenagers’ rapidly developing brains put them at high risk of harm from marijuana use. New research reveals the grave risks associated with chronic use of marijuana in adolescents. Marijuana And THC The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When marijuana is smoked, THC rapidly passes from the […]

Questions About Marijuana

Questions about marijuana

Since marijuana use seems to be skyrocketing, with the legalization push and use for medical reasons, more questions are beginning to appear. Is it really safe? If I’m around the smoke, will I get high? Here are some frequently asked questions about marijuana and what you need to know. How does marijuana effect my social […]

Marijuana Overview

medical marijuana

Marijuana is the dried leaves that come from the Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica plants. They contain the mind-altering chemical, THC, and other similar compounds. There are other extracts which also come from the cannabis plant such as CBD (which can also be extracted from the Hemp plant).  The most-commonly used illicit drugin the US […]